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Goal: $100,000
$58,878 Total Raised
58% Complete

We raised $58,878 for Chabad-Lubavitch of Wyoming! Thank you to our generous matchers for making this a possibility, and a HUGE thank you goes to YOU for seizing the opportunity to do good.


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A Menorah for All

Shine a Light - Dispel the Darkness

We are living through historic times and we need to begin thinking in historical terms.

On October 7, the Jewish people were brutally attacked. Anti-Jewish and anti-Israel hatred is skyrocketing across the world and on college campuses. A recent “Free Palestine” protest in Jackson sadly included disgraceful signs “From the river to the sea” and “stop the genocide”.

On the flip side, Israel is strong with a powerful IDF and the sickos who perpetrated the evil will sooner than later be neutralized. Jewish pride and mitzvahs have seen a major uptick with Jews embracing Judaism like never seen before. There is an actual shortage of Tzitzis in Israel because tens of thousands of Jewish men have decided to wear them every day. Judaica stores are running low on Chai necklaces and Mezuzah cases.

We must not allow anti-Jewish and anti-Israel propaganda to seep into our amazing community. With that in mind, this Chanukah, the Chabad Jewish Center of Wyoming has undertaken a project of historic proportions to spread support for Israel and the Jewish people.

We will be mailing a menorah, Chanukah candles and a dreidel to all 12,530 addresses in Teton County, every Wyoming Senator and Representative, and every statewide elected leader. Inside each Menorah kit there will be a letter (click here to see a copy).

We will ask every resident in Teton County and our political leaders to take a stand, snap a photo of their Menorah and tell the world #WYStandsWithJews and #WYStandsWithIsrael. There is no place in Wyoming for anti-Jewish and anti-Israel hate.

This ambitious project is very costly. Thankfully, our dear friends, Paul and Daphna Fridman have agreed to match all donations up to $25,000 for a total of $50,000.

In addition, we are also aiming to raise an additional $50,000 towards our 2024 operating budget. This will allow us to continue providing Shabbat and Holiday services/meals, Torah classes, Bar & Bat Mitzvah education, host inspiring speakers and generally bring our community together during times of sorrow and joy.

Please do your part to chart a historical path of goodness, justice and truth for Wyoming. A little lights dispels a lot of darkness.

Thank you for your partnership,

Rabbi Zalman Mendelsohn


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